每个人都喜欢汉娜跳棋的简单、准确和可负担得起的测试解决方案。让我们谈论一些方法简单地维护你的汉娜跳棋不断提供准确的结果。一件事要记住的是,所有的汉娜检查工作通过测量光传播的小玻璃比色皿。所以,让长期保持清洁是至关重要的,准确的结果。最简单的方法就是清洗玻璃的外面的线头,油和指纹。保持电池的内部清洁也非常重要,所以一定要总是空的,冲洗它一旦你完成你的测试。中使用的试剂检查包含染料,和他们中的大多数将染色玻璃如果不坐太长时间。不幸的是,一旦玻璃染色几乎取代了准确的结果。如果你不小心忘记空试管测试后,汉娜更换4卖20美元,这是昂贵的。老实说,如果发生这种情况您最好购买特定的标准检查程序,使用零/空白试管为未来的测试。 Speaking of standards, for those of you that take your testing very seriously, you can pick up one of these kits to measure your checker against. Most of them come with a blank/empty cuvette as well as a solution with a known amount of what you are testing for, along with a certificate of analysis. Something to keep in mind; like every test or colorimeter, there's always some margin of error. Don't be shocked if your 1ppm total chlorine test doesn't read exactly 1ppm. Some of the standards are reusable while others are single use, so be aware of this when you are buying them.