尼奥斯推出了他们的新蛋白质的撇油器设计成脱脂水族馆从500升到2000升。撇油器有一个完全透明的反应室,以便您可以看到里面发生了什么。很高兴知道蜗牛或其他生物会通过各种途径进入回收船。除油船使用楔管和闸阀控制水位。大的调整通过楔管然后更好的调整是通过集成闸阀。尼奥斯也引进一个新的直流控制回收船。这个特殊的除油船是一个原型,而不是将被释放,其实颜色LED的内置在回收船。每个电机的速度都有一个与之关联的不同颜色的LED,这样您就可以告诉你速度除油船将一目了然。我们也能够看看尼奥斯测试套件和添加剂。测试工具有一个惊人的高分辨率的非测试套件。 They are also produced in Germany to ISO standards. NYOS has a wide variety of aquarium supplements available, including an entire line of liquid plankton and brine/Mysis shrimp supplements that do not need to be refrigerated. They are even certified organic! To make aquascaping easier they have also introduced their Reef Cement. It comes in powdered form that you mix with water to glue your aquascape together. Connect with us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/BulkReefSupply Check out our pics on Instagram: http://instagram.com/bulkreefsupply