有四种基本类型的泵要计划你的顶点;抽气泵、水泵饲料设备(如媒体反应堆或撇油器),powerheads和加药泵。让我们穿过选项:选择:回退这个选项是在如果你想出口断开时会从顶点基本单位。对于大多数流,返回和进料泵你将这‘上’。对于计量泵,您可能会想要这个设置为“关闭”。选择:初始时间的时间,在几分钟内,你的泵将保持在一个周期的开始。选择:在时间的时间,在几分钟内,你的泵将会打开,并保持。选择:从时间的时间你的泵将在周期结束时,关掉重新启动之前在“初始断时间”。这意味着如果你设置初始时间5分钟,10分钟时间,和你的时间5分钟——你的泵实际上最初是5分钟,然后10分钟,10分钟,继续10 /模式。最初的关机时间是会让你什么计划振荡泵。 So how is this relevant to your return pump or equipment feed pumps? The answer is it probably isn't. It's really designed for oscillating pumps, like the ones you would have on a wavemaker. You can still use this function for return and equipment pumps, here's what that might look like: Option: Initial Off Time Set this to zero. Option: On Time: Set this to 10 minutes. Option: Off Time Set this to zero. Since only the 'on time' is set, the above program will turn your pump on immediately, stay on for ten minutes, and never turn off. You could also not select the pump option for return and equipment pumps and select advanced instead. Within advance, type in "Fallback ON" in the first line, "Set ON" in the second line, it will look like this: Fallback ON Set ON 'Fallback ON' will ensure the return or equipment pump remains on if it gets disconnected from the base unit. 'Set ON' tells the outlet to always be on when connected. If you'd like to set a pump to turn off during feed mode, add another line that says 'If FeedA 000 Then OFF'. This will turn the pump off when feed mode A is triggered. Something to keep in mind when using initial off time is that all of this works on a 24 hour period, so you'll want to be sure your program fits within that period to repeat properly. If your on/off cycles are small, it may be easier to think of 60 minutes, and make sure your program fits within that. For example, if you have your 'Initial Off' set to 10, 'On' set to 10, and 'Off' set you 10 you have a total of 30 minutes which fits into 60 minutes. Check out the entire Apex line: http://brs.li/neptuneapex Watch the whole playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBaMLrfToJyz8091y-PoECoUo5QfMGg1S Connect with us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/BulkReefSupply Check out our pics on Instagram: http://instagram.com/bulkreefsupply