碱度水平海洋水族馆是重要的测试和精确的检测设备,很容易使用同样重要。汉娜dKH检查程序是,基于大型液晶显示器和光电管的测试程序,删除所有想工作可以让你得到准确和可重复的读数。执行一个测试与汉娜HI772 dKH碱度检查程序通常需要不到1分钟,并且我们有一些小技巧使它更容易。步骤1。我们喜欢用10毫升注射器检索样本坦克的水,然后填满的一个测试试管到10毫升瓶的外面。步骤2。权力的检查按下黑色的按钮在前面的单元步骤3。清洁任何指纹或水痕从外面的试管和水箱的水样本添加到检查时液晶显示屏读取C1,再次按下黑色的按钮。步骤4。闪烁的C2控制器时,可以把试管,加上1毫升的试剂瓶。 Gently invert the vial 5 times and place it back into the meter and press the black button one more time. The LCD screen will then display the reading in just a few seconds. Tips – It is essential to keep the testing vials clean for accurate and reliable readings. We suggest cleaning the cuvettes with a soft dry cloth before placing them into the checker. We also highly recommend cleaning the vials with RO water before and after each use.