神仙鱼和蝴蝶鱼是两个明显的标志性礁栖鱼类身上做的家庭,每个人都想保持他们的珊瑚礁。直到我们看远一点,看到所有这些讨厌的“不是礁安全”指出附加到这些美丽的动物。然而有时看似疯狂的养殖者混合这些底栖生物喂食器收集珍贵的珊瑚。他们是怎么做到的?他们的秘密是什么?这个演讲带领您混合底栖生物馈线与珊瑚成功…大部分的时间。奥斯汀是浅绿色的创始人和所有者盒子,全世界独一无二的水族馆系统安装公司,专业检疫海洋鱼类和条件。奥斯丁一直在水族馆行业自2002年以来,之前工作在当地的鱼商店,珊瑚农场,和标题鱼繁殖计划。“作为养殖者,我们有责任让我们所有的动物繁荣,而不仅仅是生存。我们的动物是与同类野生动物管理员,可以激励他人,推动更好的保护。 We have the ability to keep animals alive far longer than in nature provided the right care. My mission is to spread sound science-based information to keep animals thriving long term." Austin has been published in Reefs Magazine, Reefs.com, and Reef Edition Magazine. He has presented at MACNA (2016), Michigan Coral Expo (2016, 2017), and Manhattan Reef Swap (2016). During his free time, he can be found hiding in a dark corner of his office watching fishes interact in one of a dozen fish conditioning systems. He has a soft spot for Pomacanthidae, particularly twilight zone reef dwellers. He’s been an avid SCUBA diver since the age of 12 and consistently seeks new aquatic adventures.