今天在BRStv,我们有一个全新的集,BRStv调查。在本系列中,我们探索流行帆理论,产品,方法,和手册是什么失踪,重点放在测试!在本周的节目中,我们来看看消电离树脂以及如何使树脂工作更好、更有效率。有一些不同类型的DI树脂可用这些天从单人床阴离子混合床阳离子树脂和他们每个人都有不同的目的。大多数树脂颜色变化,pH值会有一个活性染料在树脂时让你知道筋疲力尽,但它仍然是最好使用TDS或EC计知道当污染物的树脂。现在,颜色变化的指标可以在阳离子(+)或阴离子(-)树脂,当树脂的pH值低于阈值为特定媒体会改变颜色为浅琥珀色树脂的pH值中性。如果你有硅酸盐、磷酸盐、钙、二氧化碳,或任何其他问题与你的RO水,其制品的方法修改您当前DI系统更加有效和高效的,它更需要一种不同类型的树脂。你想了解更多关于迪树脂?一定要看这段视频,我们将给一些小技巧创造最好的水可能没有扔掉好树脂!*法律的东西*这个视频的目的和内容是提供一般信息关于产品及其应用如视频所示。 Aquatic sales solutions, inc. And its officers, directors, employees and agents disclaim all express or implied warranties, in any way, related to the products and their application as presented in this video, make no representation or warranty regarding the products and the application as presented in this video and shall not be liable for any direct or indirect losses or damages of any type, including but not limited to punitive damages, or from personal injury or death resulting from or in any manner related to the video, and the products in and contents of the video. The viewer expressly agrees that aquatic sales solutions, inc. And its officers, directors, employees and agents shall not be liable for any damages or losses related to the products in and content of the video and hereby agrees to hold the foregoing harmless from any such losses or damages.