我们的新RO / DI线由两个不同的线系列和普遍价值。我要让这个超级简单。大多数冷藏不知道在他们的水供应,所以如果你只是想知道你,希望最好的过滤availablee覆盖,与通用系列,你会知道你覆盖。我们称它为一个通用的系统,因为它是一个理想的解决方案对氯和氯胺,井水和常见的污染物水族馆业主担心。如果你的城市有非常干净的水,或者你想节省几块钱,但想要保持开放的升级路径获取值系列这是坚实的选择对于大多数冷藏和完全升级如果你想添加另一个碳块或DI罐在稍后的日期。价值线也使用一个通用的碳块,这样你都覆盖着共同的水消毒剂;氯和氯胺。单一碳块的最大区别是你会更频繁地更换过滤器,这使得它少一点成本有效的从长远来看。通用和价值系列有三种模式。一个基本的,一个+水和保护。 The basic models have the same filtration qualities as the other models in their own series. There's almost no difference in water quality between the basic models and the plus or water saver plus just additional accessories which can make the system easier to use, last longer, use less water or produce water faster. The Plus models both include the same three upgrades; a flush kit for the membrane which allows you to open a valve to clean the membrane and extend its life, a pressure gauge which helps insure proper operating conditions as well as identify when the pre-filters are clogged with sediment and need to be changed. Both the plus models also include a TDS meter which measures the total dissolved solids and how the system is performing. A TDS meter is one of those things almost everyone eventually buys because we all want to know how our systems are performing. The Value plus has a dual stage TDS meter which measures the RO system performance as well as the DI or product water stage. The universal plus comes with a three stage TDS meter which measures the RO system as well as after both DI stages. These three accessories are very popular add-ons and why the plus models are easily our biggest sellers. The third model in both series is the water saver plus. Like the other plus models it they include the flush kit, pressure gauge and TDS meter but also includes a 150 fifty gallon per day water saver upgrade kit. This kit has three major advantages. First it doubles the output of the system from seventy five gallons per day to one hundred and fifty. Second it effectively cuts the waste to product water in half and saves a ton of water, third by reducing waste to product water ratio the system effectively doubles the volume of water you can produce on a single set of sentiment and carbon block pre-filters. This advantage is particularly valuable if your city uses chloramines in the water supply because doubling the filter life here is going to save a significant amount of money over the year.