珊瑚殖民地独立于槽尺寸,正确维护自己随着时间的推移对珊瑚礁的长期成功至关重要。修剪整个礁结构是至关重要的从形式和功能以及艺术的角度来看。我的演讲将会帮助激励工作与我们的生活调色板和如何保持火花会在一个长期的关系。2016年,乔Yaiullo名叫MASNA水族馆管理人。乔收到这个奖项由于他继续支持的爱好以及他开拓性的努力在建立公共水族馆外展通过他的20000加仑的礁坦克的长岛水族馆。乔仍然积极参与促进礁保持与爱好者和工作;他还担任长岛礁协会主席(里拉)12年。作为一个孩子,乔他童年的大部分时间维持家庭水族馆和探索周围的海洋生物长岛纽约。现在他获得报酬他小时候基本上和一直保持礁坦克了29年。刘乔获得海洋科学学士学位从南安普顿大学的海洋科学程序和工作了八年(1987 - 1995)的纽约水族馆在布鲁克林,纽约高级水族馆管理人。 Starting in 1987, Joe pioneered what is now common practice in reef keeping today and upped his game in 1993 with the establishment of a 1400-gallon reef tank, which at the time was the largest successful reef tank in the Western Hemisphere. In 1992, he began to shape his plan for a world-class aquarium on Long Island’s East End. In 2000, after toiling for eight long years, his plans and vision became a reality with the opening of Atlantis Marine World Aquarium in Riverhead, NY (now known as the Long Island Aquarium). On that day, the public was able to see his 20,000-gallon reef tank, which was the largest closed system reef tank in the Western Hemisphere, and second largest in the world at that time. In 2003, Joe was awarded The Distinguished Alumni Award from Southampton College for his contributions to the community. Joe, an admitted "Coralaholic", currently feeds his ever increasing addiction with nurturing his 20,000-gallon reef tank, which contains corals that date back over 26 years. While he has admitted his addiction, he has no plans of seeking a cure and enjoys talking with reef keepers from around the world. Joe has been featured in many reef keeping books and magazines and has presented lectures in Canada, Germany, Sweden, Finland, England, Fiji, Monaco, France, The Netherlands, and Italy and throughout the USA including several MACNA’s dating back to 1994. The Long Island Aquarium is a world-class aquarium, so even though it’s on a larger scale, Curator and Co-founder Joe Yaiullo still considers it his entire "DIY" project.