本周BRStv调查,我们看看领导的Aqua照明'高清,找出有多少你需要达到推荐的标准编号为一个SPS主导坦克!今天在BRStv,我们有一个全新的集,BRStv调查。在本系列中,我们探索流行帆理论,产品,方法,和手册是什么失踪,重点放在测试!有这么多的问题关于照明是最好的为我们的坦克,试图确定的最佳照明SPS主导坦克可能很困难。在BRStv调查,我们旨在回答这些问题广泛的照明选项和深入每一个为你提供更多的信息比你能找到在包装!在这节课中,我们测试各种AI '配置高清LED灯来衡量标准和频谱60加立方罐以及120加,4英尺礁。我们不仅发现安装多个人工智能照明更大的质数是可行的选择,但他们也能够达到相当水平,繁荣的SPS坦克。不仅如此,最终价格为最终的配置是非常接近其他LED照明选项!所以加入我们,我们将深入研究人工智能' !每个周五我们发布一个新的BRStv调查事件,所以别忘了点击订阅按钮看看接下来! *Legal Stuff* The purpose and content of this video is to provide general information regarding the products and their applications as presented in the video. Aquatic sales solutions, inc. And its officers, directors, employees and agents disclaim all express or implied warranties, in any way, related to the products and their application as presented in this video, make no representation or warranty regarding the products and the application as presented in this video and shall not be liable for any direct or indirect losses or damages of any type, including but not limited to punitive damages, or from personal injury or death resulting from or in any manner related to the video, and the products in and contents of the video. The viewer expressly agrees that aquatic sales solutions, inc. And its officers, directors, employees and agents shall not be liable for any damages or losses related to the products in and content of the video and hereby agrees to hold the foregoing harmless from any such losses or damages.