开创性的日子以来,发生了很多变化reef-keeping在90年代和1980年代。今天的持续增长爱好者市场驱动行业开发许多新技术和技术进步珊瑚礁饲养。虽然激动人心,这个爆炸的速度和规模在知识很难理解和评估21世纪最佳实践reef-keeping实际上意味着什么。数据库使用的见解来自世界上最大的aquarium-testing伊桑·Dashti将一组现代科学reefkeeper指南。实际的例子将演示:(1)如何成为一个更好的,基于科学的水族馆管理人,(2)如何识别误导市场炒作和省钱,,(3)如何成为一个更好的了解和更负责任的水族馆管理人。伊桑·特里同应用礁生物科学的创始人和所有者,德国杜塞尔多夫成立于2008年,是第一家使用尖端技术分析人工和天然海水水族馆专业人士和业余爱好者。化学家的父亲和药剂师的母亲帮助他非常理解化学从12岁,当他开始保持礁坦克。他们与他们的知识支持他,当他开始公司和他的妻子琳达Dashti,同时还学习化学和生产技术。他们也在开发工作和实验室面积TRITON,直到今天。作为一个真正的生物礁和化学处理,化学家庭,伊桑·能够创建方法,选择了合适的工具(ICP - OES和高效液相色谱法)测量海水与更多的细节和精度,推动礁的边界保持的,例如,使跟踪和宏观元素可见被忽视了,直到那一天。 The information out of the worldwide water testing service lead to the TRITON method which he created to be able to solve the people`s problems that remained unknown so far. Getting critical about water chemistry with the Triton Method This talk will focus on the exploration of chemistry and biochemistry of reef and aquarium ecosystems, their links and differences and their applicability to reef aquariums. The presentation will cover the high precision testing of seawater with a high throughput, Trace Elements in the Aquarium and their relevance, also compared to natural seawater of Flores Sea and Komodo. The conclusion will reflect on the changes to the point of view to reef keeping, regarding old and new techniques to mimic the natural habitat of corals. At the end Ehsan opens up for a Q&A with the audience that had a few great questions that may relate to you and your reef tank.